Vocational training starts at the Hope Centre at an early age. The children are able to help us build the complex. The children learn valuable skills in the trade such as carpentry, woodworking, construction, and other hands on trades. We believe in each and every child and we want to instill in them character and integrity at a young age. The children are the hope of the restoration of Haiti, our desire is that they will grow in the love of God and have the practical skills necessary to prosper in life.
Our Passion
The Hope Centre is our passion. Rescuing, restoring, and releasing the children of Haiti back into their culture victoriously. It melts our heart to see these children go from absolute poverty, absolutely destitute searching through the garbage dumps for life, and then to come into the Hope Centre and be restored. Coming without a smile on their face, and then leaving with a smile in their heart. What greater mission in life is their than to take care of the orphans and widows in the eyes of God. We hold true to the truth that pure and undefiled religion in the eyes of God is taking care of the orphans and widows, and remaining unspotted from the world. Will you help us?
Our Purpose
We need to grow. Our goal is to add more children to our facility, there is an ever-growing need for more resources, more children, and a greater size facility. We need more hands. Will you join us? Do you feel Jesus is working in you giving you the desire to be a part of the Hope Centre? Then consider the following options: 1) Partnering for only $3.15/day here 2) Elijah prayed and the rain stopped, partner in prayer for the Hope Centre. Pray for love in our hearts, and pray for favor with the local businesses, and pray for wisdom in our leaders, and pray for open doors of finances. 3) Consider Joining us on a Hope Centre Missions Team one summer.
Your love and support is helping these children receive life, when all they knew before was death. Thank you for your sacrifice, and yes love can be a sacrifice. Thank you for sacrificing your life and time and money for these wonderful children to have a hope and a future in our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!