This page displays the Social Media Shortcode example. This shortcode accepts any FontAwesome icon value - see a list of available icons here. To add social icons simply create a socialGroup container first followed by any amount of socialIcon shortcodes. Here is a full list of parameters for the socialIcon shortcode:
  • icon
  • size
  • color
  • link
  • target
(socialGroup) (socialIcon icon="facebook" size="10" color="#3C599B" link="" target="_self")(/socialIcon) (socialIcon icon="twitter" size="10" color="#32CCFE" link="" target="_blank")(/socialIcon) (socialIcon icon="dribbble" size="10" color="#D95232" link="" )(/socialIcon) (socialIcon icon="tumblr" size="10" color="#1D87BD" link="" )(/socialIcon) (socialIcon icon="android" size="10" color="#009DF7" link="" )(/socialIcon) (/socialGroup)