This page displays Button Shortcode examples. Button shortcodes accept the following parameters:
  • color - Available colors (blue, red, green, purple, orange, grey, brown, black, yellow, pink, teal)
  • textColor - Enter a hexadecimal value (ex. #FFFFFF)
  • type - Available types (small, medium, large)
  • url - Pass in a URL value (ex. "")
  • target - Choose whether a button opens in a new window or not ("_blank" or "_self")
Note: parameters must be wrapped quotations.
Small Button
(hopeButton type="small" color="blue" textColor="#FFFFFF" url="" target="_blank")Small Button(/hopeButton) Small Button (hopeButton type="small" color="purple" textColor="white")Small Button(/hopeButton) Small Button (hopeButton type="small" color="green" textColor="black")Small Button(/hopeButton) Small Button (hopeButton type="small" color="orange" textColor="black")Small Button(/hopeButton) Small Button (hopeButton type="small" color="grey" textColor="white")Small Button(/hopeButton) Small Button (hopeButton type="small" color="black" textColor="white")Small Button(/hopeButton) Small Button (hopeButton type="small" color="yellow" textColor="black")Small Button(/hopeButton) Small Button (hopeButton type="small" color="pink" textColor="black")Small Button(/hopeButton) Small Button (hopeButton type="small" color="teal" textColor="black")Small Button(/hopeButton) Small Button
Medium Button
(hopeButton type="medium" color="red" textColor="#FFFFFF" url="" target="_blank")Medium Button(/hopeButton) Medium Button
Large Button
(hopeButton type="large" color="purple" textColor="#FFFFFF" url="" target="_blank")Large Button(/hopeButton) Large Button